Groundwork for success

Since 2020, we find the state, with the help of philanthropic leaders, has made significant and meaningful progress in homeless services, especially in laying the groundwork for future success.

3,500 and Growing

We also find that Utah faces an urgent and growing chronic homelessness crisis and much more needs to be done. From 2022 to 2023, Utah's overall homelessness count witnessed a jump from 3,556 to 3,687. This increase, representing 131 individuals, may seem moderate but carries profound implications.

96% Increase

Chronic homelessness increased 96% from 2019 to 2023, and 27% in just the last year. These and other warning signs convey the need to redouble our efforts.

Relative Challenge

Rates of homelessness in Utah remain lower than the national average,

The State Plan

More Housing +574 Units

Our foremost priority is to increase our housing opportunities. By doing so, we aim to provide an additional 574 housing units for those in need, ensuring that more individuals and families have a safe, stable environment.

Stregthen Support 20% Boost

Beyond just housing, we recognize the critical importance of support services. Our goal is to ramp up our supportive service interactions by 20%, enabling more touchpoints, aid, and guidance for those navigating the challenges of homelessness.

Vulnerable Populations and Prevention

We are committed to decreasing the numbers of the most vulnerable subpopulations, and a robust reduction, aiming to curtail the rise of new homeless cases by a significant 20% each year.